Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Relationship Advice For Men: 62 Tips From 62 Experts

So now that you're divorced, you're considering dating or you're already dating.

From EliteManMagazine, read all 62 really helpful tips, including a few from yours truly.

The article starts like this:

Guys are often left shaking their heads in pure bewilderment when it comes to different aspects of their relationship.  Their wives, girlfriends, or partners of some sort or another, just seem to constantly throw curveball after curveball at them, and their left wondering what to do.

Without giving up on their loved ones, they fight back; but this often leads to more stress and even more relationship imbalance. 

You see men aren’t schooled in this department of life.

Read the rest here... 

1 comment:

  1. Relationship advice is something that my brother sure would need since both him and his wife recently got separated. Well, at the moment he's waiting on what the family law attorneys will do next to finalize his divorce. In the mean time though, I've been inviting him to certain business parties for him to mingle with a some ladies there.
