Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Messy Life? Here's How You Can Declutter

I know you're not worrying about the clutter in your home post-divorce...but how about the clutter in your mind? Here are some suggestions for real clutter, cluttered minds or other important behavior changes....

Despite recent evidence suggesting that a cluttered desk leads to a creative (not cluttered) mind, I'm determined to declutter. It's difficult to be creative when you can't find your ideas buried in piles of articles, legal pads and journals, or elsewhere on tiny scraps of paper and sticky notes. Not that you could tell by looking, but I prefer the esthetic of a neat, organized workspace.

Here are my six simple steps for decluttering and other change:

1.  Identify the change. Name it so you make the change you want clear--having spent a marathon weekend clearing out the detritus of a project I recently completed, my goal is to remain clutter-free. You might decide you no longer want to act like a shy person, or you want to stop eating junk food or you want to start exercising daily. Many changes are possible by following the steps.  

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